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Oh that men would praise God for his goodness and for his wonderful works towards the children of men. It is a good thing to give thanks to God, and to sing praises unto the name of the most high.





PASTOR RANDOLPH ROBERTS had been holding membership in a number of churches in Brooklyn from 1990 to 2011. Throughout the years while sitting in these Ministries I saw many things, which for the most part was wonderful. I spent 12 years in (PRT) Pentecostal Redeemers Temple comfortably in what I was doing.

Even then, I knew that there was much more that God had for me to do, but because of the comfort I had and felt at PRT I did not want to move away from it, But God have a way of getting you out of your comfort zone.


The bible says in Isaiah Chapter 6:1 in the year of king Uzziah's death I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, lofty and exalted, with the train of his robe filling the temple. Even though Isaiah was a prophet and was being used by God, he did not experience God fully until the death of the king. After I left PRT it became abundantly clear that I had to start the ministry that God had called me to do. My wife told me on numerous occasions that “God took us out of PRT for a reason and it is time to prepare ourselves for what God has called us for”.


We spoke to our mother Pastor Ingrid Wint Tabi (now deseased) in Canada, she said, “my son God is looking for men who will take care of his sheep, honest men and you are one of them, so get started God is with you and will always be”.


The Lord spoke that we should start a ministry after much prayer we decide to start a pray meeting; we spoke to evangelist Pascal Branche, who decided to come with us. The pray meeting started in our house and shortly after the Lord provided a building for us. The prayer meeting started to grow and immediately we knew that the hand of the Lord was on the ministry so we can look back and say to God be the glory, great things he has done.


Our aim


First and foremost, God, the Most High has to be glorified and worship in spirit and in truth and that we will do. We will bring into existence a place of worship for all people. We will be teaching the gospel. Kingdom Builders Sanctuary is based on creating an environment spiritually. We are here to bring about unity among members because without unity nothing shall prosper. We will seek to fulfil the needs of  our community as a whole with the help of God.


We will assist each and everyone in fulfilling the vision that God has for them. We want to live together, we also want to fellowship with our brothers and sister in one accord. Forgiveness is our duty God said. LUKE 17: 4 We will launch an organizational structure within the ministry for the benefit of all people which will ultimately translate into making the lives of others better.


A positive impact on people’s lives we want to achieve by introducing God`s word to them. We were commissioned by our heavenly father to carry out His work, so obediently we will do his work in Jesus name. AMEN.
