grenada st vincent st, lucia dominica guyana jamaica haiti antigua cuba south_africa st kitts ghana brazil venezuela barbados trinidad


Psalm 1

meditation on

the Torah

psalm 31

time in thy hands

psalm 61

a troubled heart

psalm 91

when tempted by the devil

psalm 121

Safety when traveling

Psalm 2

poetic reflection on 2 Samuel 7

psalm 32

during distress

psalm 62

of confidence

psalm 92

emotions of thanksgiving

psalm 122

Blessings upon you

psalm 3

confidence when facing the enemy

psalm 33

When you are lonely

psalm 63

the thirsty soul

psalm 93

the Lord reign

psalm 123

Receiving kindness from all persons

psalm 4

thoughts at night

psalm 34

praise and trust

psalm 64

against the enemy

psalm 94

the Lord brings justice

psalm 124

Assurance and safety in our journey

psalm 5

a morning prayer

psalm 35

plea for judgement

psalm 65


psalm 95

open your eyes to the future

psalm 125

Shield from all harm

psalm 6

prayer for mercy during trouble

psalm 36

confronts God love

psalm 66


psalm 96

reinforce your spiritual strength

psalm 126

Turn your sorrow into joy

psalm 7

prayer of a wronged man

psalm 37

blessings /Grace

psalm 67

gratitude for deliverance

psalm 97

bring unity

psalm 127

Discouraging all your rivals

psalm 8

God`s glory and man`s honour

psalm 38

when your burden gets too heavy

psalm 68

God of israel

psalm 98

peace between families

psalm 128

Keeping a happy home

psalm 9

praise for deliverance

psalm 39

in time of trouble

psalm 69


psalm 99

assure justice

psalm 129

The escape from oppression

psalm 10

comfort when falsely accused

psalm 40

delight in His will

psalm 70


psalm 100

overcome thyne enemy

psalm 130

come to the assistance of each other

psalm 11

God of refuge

psalm 41


psalm 71

escape from evil

psalm 101

a perfect heart

psalm 131

humble song, cast out pride

psalm 12

Good thoughts

and bad times

psalm 42

hope for return

psalm 72

Mesianic king

psalm 102

receive healing

psalm 132

presence in glory

psalm 13

The deserted


psalm 43

vitalize the body

psalm 73

never forget

psalm 103

the lord`s benefits

psalm 133

A family to dwell in harmony

psalm 14

The future of


psalm 44

deliverance from situation

psalm 74

help when enemies plague you

psalm 104

forgiven fron original sin

psalm 134

Stir religious fervor

psalm 15


psalm 45

glory of Messiah

psalm 75

for promotion

psalm 105

help in forgetting the past

psalm 135

Attaining good qualities

psalm 16

Joy in Gods presence

psalm 46

fear not in your speaking

psalm 76

defense against danger

psalm 106

learn to trust God`s mercy, power & justice

psalm 136

The pardoning of sins

psalm 17

deliverance from the wicked

psalm 47

elevate your spiritual zeal

psalm 77

when you have lost faith

psalm 107

defeat evil

psalm 137

Cleansing the heart of malice

psalm 18

calling upon

God in distress

psalm 48

find love everyday

psalm 78

expand your psychic talent

psalm 108

confidence in God

psalm 138

Confidence in time of trouble

psalm 19

The works and

word of God

psalm 49

expand one`s psychic ability

psalm 79

eliminate opponents

psalm 109

cry to God for help

psalm 139

Confidence in God`s guidance

psalm 20

a prayer for the

king (GOD)

psalm 50

vast possibilities for good

psalm 80

overcome those who plot against you

psalm 110

priest and victor

psalm 140

Protection against lying lips

psalm 21

splendor &

success of

the king

psalm 51

Penitent`s Psalm

psalm 81

preserve your faith in God`s goodness

psalm 111

attracting love

psalm 141

overcoming fear

psalm 22

Psalm of the


psalm 52

fate of the wicked

psalm 82

take away fear of poverty & injustice

psalm 112

expand your horizon

psalm 142

prisoner prayer

psalm 23

The Shepherd Psalm

psalm 53

fate of the fool

psalm 83

help against enemies

psalm 113

enabling your to be honored

psalm 143

soul in distress

psalm 24

Song to the

king of glory

psalm 54

deliverance prayer

psalm 84

brighten your view for the future

psalm 114


psalm 144

worrior`s psalm

psalm 25

prayer for



psalm 55

He will sustain

psalm 85

forgiveness from past sins

psalm 115

God`s nourishment on us

psalm 145

Lord goodness

psalm 26

the basis of judgement

psalm 56

the distressed song

psalm 86


psalm 116

strengthen Faith

psalm 146

avoid overconfidence

psalm 27

David`s song of confidence

psalm 57

mercy and truth

psalm 87

promote chance for success

psalm 117

Attitude Of Gratitude

psalm 147

Easing a guilty conscience

psalm 28

a prayer for help

psalm 58

wicked punishment

psalm 88

reconcile the estranged

psalm 118

After Failures

psalm 148

Alleviate loneliness

psalm 29

song of the thunderstorm

psalm 59

triumph over enemy

psalm 89

ease pain and suffering

psalm 119

wonder of God

psalm 149

Understanding the divine providence

psalm 30

dedication of the temple site

psalm 60

national deliverance

psalm 90

inspire gratitude each door

psalm 120

against evil tongues

psalm 150

When you are feeling grateful